Kia ora: Meet Rob
In 2009, Rob’s undiagnosed depression led to a mental breakdown where he provoked police which resulted in him being shot.
Since that day, Rob has been on a journey of healing and well-being to help alleviate the stigma attached to mental health. Rob now strives for better education and enlightenment around mental wellbeing in support of preventing suicide and with a vision to create a platform for practical tools to be shared with families and communities in need.

Shot Bro:
Confessions of a Depressed Bullet
Is Rob's personal healing journey after his mental and spiritual breakdown in Auckland, 2009. It took 7yrs to develop this theatre show/seminar/presentation which is invited around Australasia and Hawaii. Rob skilfully navigates us through this world using humour, heart and truth, delivered in a way that is enlightening, funny, real, educational, challenging and safe, allowing us to connect through shared emotions and experiences.
Shot Bro Documentary
DEPRESSION and suicide affects all people regardless of race, gender, age or socio-economic circumstance.
SHOT BRO is a practical addition to our mental wellbeing tool belt so that we are far better equipped in Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness and Support. The after-presentation forum provides a safe environment where we can safely share our experiences with the Taniwha of Depression and connect to the help we need and deserve.

Shot Bro is a means to safely discuss depression and mental distress and how to support the prevention of suicide and open up pathways of hope to those who have lost loved ones. Our aim is to ensure SHOT BRO remains accessible to all and offer coping mechanisms for individuals, communities and organisations so that we may allow the light of hope with practical tools to illuminate the mamae/hurt with Aroha.
Helplines of Hope & Support

Email: rob@toiturama.nz Phone: 0220683686
Or fill in the form and we'll be in touch